Welcome to Fordville-Lankin School District

Calendar 2023-2024

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Fordville-Lankin Insights Dashboard

Dear Parents and Patrons:

Every year the Fordville-Lankin Public School District, in cooperation with the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, publishes an annual progress report on student achievement called the School District Profile. This profile in now available for your review. I encourage you to access and study this important information. This report demonstrates the progress our students are making in terms of our challenging academic standards. You may access the School District Profile for the Fordville-Lankin School District on the Department of Public Instruction’s website at the following address: https://insights.nd.gov/Education/District/Summary/50005

Simply select the word “DASHBOARD” and then select the Fordville-Lankin School District and the most recent year to access the various reports available. If you prefer, contact the Fordville-Lankin Public School and we will assist you and provide a printed copy to review. The annual School District Profile summarizes how well our students performed this past year in Reading/English Language arts and Mathematics on the North Dakota State Assessment and on other academic indicators.

The annual School District Profile presents the percentage of students who have achieved proficiency in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. The Profile also provides our student attendance rates and graduation rates. The profile reviews the achievement of all students and of specific subgroups of students. Additionally, the Profile compares our student results over two years to those of the State as a whole. The School District Profile for the Fordville-Lankin School District is an important summary of how well our students are progressing in their basic academic skills.

I encourage all parents and patrons to familiarize themselves with this information. Providing a quality education for our students is everyone’s concern. In order for us to improve, we must begin with an understanding of how well our students are performing. We should all take pride in the support we collectively provide our students. Together, I am confident that we will build on our successes to improve and further raise the quality of education with the Fordville-Lankin School District. I thank you for your continued commitment to building a strong education.
